내 마음의 주인, MindCentral.me

by Mind Central at 3:34 AM
(635 조회 / 0 Likes)
Unhealthy untreated food products forrheumatism and obesity are, for example, the following:

1. Fat-rich products from animals
2. Egg yolk
3. Wheat products
4. Chocolate biscuits
5. Rice biscuits
6. Ladyfingers
7. Dried fruit
8. Chewing gum
9. Frozen yoghurt
10. Cream yoghurt
11. Low-fat yoghurt
12. Bacon
13. Cream ice cream
14. Chocolate
15. Artificial sweeteners
16. Granola
17. White flour products
18. White flour
19. Atlantic salmon
20. Farmed fish
21. Processed fruit juices
22. Diet snacks
23. Rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, animal oil
24. Normal snacks with fat
25. Vegetable mixes with butter or cream
26. Sweetened canned fruit
27. Foie gras
28. French fries
29. Ready meals
30. Butter from animals
31. Microwave popcorn
32. Margarine
33. Ketchup
34. Lemonades
35. Breakfast cereals
36. Protein energy bars
37. Alcohol
38. Soft drinks
39. Light products
40. Deep-fried pastries
41. Croquettes
42. Potato pancakes
43. Palm fat
44. Frozen pizza
45. Hydrogenated vegetable fats...