1. 우리는 은銀용액 Colloidal Silver 또는 금 金용액 Colloidal Gold을 의약품이라 주장하지 않습니다. 이곳에서는 나노 은 (AgNPs) 및 나노 금(AuNPs)입자와 이온의 효능과 작용에 대해 연구 조사하고 정보를 제공합니다.
    은용액이나 금용액을 건강 목적으로 사용하는 경우 사용자는 충분한 지식과 이해를 바탕으로 자신의 책임을 주장할 수 있어야 합니다.
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  2. 이 곳에서 인용되거나 연결된 문서 및 정보는 특별한 명시가 없는 한 공개와 무료로 사용이 가능하다는 관례에 따르며, 해당 문서 및 정보의 배포자가 저작권을 주장하는 범위에 따라 저작 및 소유권은 해당 권리자에게 있습니다. 이 곳에 공개된 다른 문서는 우리 사이트에 등록된 것임을 명시하는 것을 전제로 수정하지 않고 배포, 저장 등 자유롭게 사용할 수 있습니다.


Discussion in '금Gold 은silver 요법' started by Mind Central, 2020-03-06 23:13.

  • by Mind Central, 2020-03-06 23:13 at 11:13 PM
  • Mind Central

    Mind Central 내 마음의 주인 Staff Member

    FDA 안전성 심사 후 승인되었다는 은 나노 제품, 콜로이드 은 Colloidal Silver 제품도 있습니다.



    We have taken the old technology of colloidal silver and improved it to create the next generation of silver products. SilverSol® was created to improve on current formulas to make them safer and more effective. Through a new manufacturing technology, patented under multiple patents, our advanced nano-silver solution has become the new standard by which all other silver products are measured. We call this new generation of colloidal silver, SilverSol®, SilverSol® Technology, or SilverSol® 101. Not only is our SilverSol® Technology more advanced than the original colloidal silvers, but through years of research at leading universities, SilverSol was then put through rigorous studies and tests for efficacy and safety. We’ve compiled thousands of pages of test work documenting many key advances. SilverSol® has been proven to be completely safe in human ingestion studies and didn’t produce any side effects or negative reactions.


    Researched in an FDA cleared, double blind human ingestion study.

    SilverSol particles leave the body within 24 hours.

    Each SilverSol nano particle can steal multiple electrons. Independent studies have shown it to be 10x more effective then products with up to 3,000ppm silver.

    More Stable: Remains stable when frozen or heated.

    More Bioavailable: Continuous particle function while in the body. Particles are not neutralized in the body unlike other forms of silver.

    Unique Technology: Metallic nano-particle with a thin, silver-oxide coating. Which simply means, our SilverSol technology has multiple modes of action. Because of this, you need less of our nano-silver particles to accomplish the same thing as you would with other ionic or colloidal silver particles (this results in much less silver ingested comparatively).

    Probiotic friendly—Does not inhibit the growth of good, healthy probiotics.

    Other Colloidal Silver
    No known similar research.

    Ionic silver is metabolized, can bind in the body. Could cause the skin condition Argyria.

    Ionic silver particles can only steal one electron per particle.

    Only one mode of action making the duration of effectiveness in the body short.
    Others can harm good probiotic bacteria with as little as 3ppm.
  • Categories: Uncategorized


Discussion in '금Gold 은silver 요법' started by Mind Central, 2020-03-06 23:13.

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