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Discussion in '生覺思, Think and ponder' started by limchangrok, 2022-07-07 14:27.


Discussion in '生覺思, Think and ponder' started by limchangrok, 2022-07-07 14:27.

  1. limchangrok
    Here are the population figures of Earth given to us from JHWH Ptaah of Erra/ Plejaren:

    As of December 31, 2021, at midnight CET the population on our planet was exactly 9,248,028,002
    or an increase of 93,978,990 over the past year!

    9,248,028,002 on 31st December 2021 (midnight CET)

    9,154,049,012 on 31st December 2020 (midnight CET)

    9,060,794,141 on 31st December 2019 (midnight CET)

    8,953,851,418 on 31st December 2018 (midnight CET)

    8,844,128,002 on 31st December 2017 (midnight CET)

    8,739,001,024 on 31st December 2016 (midnight CET)

    8,634,006,014 on 31st December 2015 (midnight CET)

    8,532,048,007 on 31st December 2014 (midnight CET)

    8,424,738,019 on 31st December 2013 (midnight CET)

    8,301,283,002 on 31st December 2012 (midnight CET)

    8,199,430,908 on 31st December 2011 (midnight CET)

    8,102,716,701 on 31st December 2010 (midnight CET)

    7,831,814,138 on 31st December 2009 (midnight CET)

    7,684,227,416 on 11th December 2007 (midnight CET)

    7,503,846,002 on 31st December 2005 (midnight CET)

    7,101,500,011 on 8th April 2004 (08:04 pm CET)

    It is possible to calculate an average population increase of 116 million human beings per year during the period of 2006 to 2011 (= 6 years). From this results an average surplus of births (increase of population) of 3.68 human beings per second!
    According to the terrestrial offices of statistics, the actual population number on Earth is estimated to be about 7,005,718'000 human beings (source: www.census.gov on April 8, 2012), and the surplus/increase is claimed to be about 2.5 human beings per second. A massive misjudgement!

    2006년부터 2011년까지(= 6년) 동안 연간 1억 1600만 명의 평균 인구 증가를 계산할 수 있습니다. 이 결과로부터 초당 3.68명의 평균 출생 초과(인구 증가)가 발생합니다!
    외계 통계국에 따르면 지구상의 실제 인구는 약 7,005,718,000명으로 추정되며(출처: www.census.gov, 2012년 4월 8일), 잉여/증가는 약 2.5명으로 주장된다. 초당 인간. 엄청난 오판!

    Compare these figures to what the United Nations and the United States Census Bureau have to say.

    플레야렌이 제공한 인구통계는, 아래 링크에 있음.
    초당 약 3명이 출생하고 있음.

    Below is the information provided to us by the Plejaren: (link to FIGU PDF)


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